Dryer Vent Cleaning

Maintaining your dryer vents is important, whether that’s through regular cleaning or repair. Having your dryer vent cleaned is recommended every year.

A dirty dryer vent can cause the dryer to work less efficiently; clothes may take longer to dry as the vent is not able to properly vent the hot and humid air from your dryer. This may also lead to higher energy bills as it takes more time to dry your clothes. This also can cause your dryer to generate additional wear and tear working harder than it otherwise should. Dirty dryer vents can promote mold growth in Southwest Florida. Dryer vents are designed to vent moisture and hot air from your dryer, this can be perfect for mold if moisture and lint gathers in your dryer vent.

Most importantly, your risk of fire is greatly increased. The National Fire Prevention Association estimated an average of 15,970 fires a year occur from clothes dryers and washing machines, a majority of those (92%) involved dryers. –Campbell, Richard. “Home fires involving clothes dryers and washing machines”

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